Love is Timeless
Beautiful Story from one of our Nurse’s, Tiffany, who was taking care of a patient. The story was so heartwarming that I asked her permission to share it with everyone. This is the reason people become nurses, and why what nurses do for us is so very special. They may have to see us at our very worst and still take care of us, but also at our best and take care of us! Read and enjoy and to Tiffany, thank you for letting me share this poignant story of love!
“I just took care of this lady all day that has dementia. She had a pathological fracture to her hip and they repaired it. She's 81 years old. Her husband is 82 years old and he is a doctor and still practices medicine. She knows him and all her family but she couldn't remember why she was still there in the hospital after they all left. She was the funniest lady I think that I've ever met. They got married straight out of high school. She's still madly in love with him to this day. She made me call him this evening when she couldn't understand why she was there alone and he talked to her for a little while. I figured since it was getting late he wasn't going to come into the hospital, but sure enough at 6:30 p.m. he came walking in, bad knees and all. When I saw him I said oh I didn't think that you would drive all the way in and he said "of course I would" and smiled. When he walked in the door she looked at him...had a grin on her face and said oh, you peckerwood you. Every bit of their conversation was short, but witty and crass and was hysterical. Before I left I looked in and he was playing with her hair as she fell asleep. It was probably one of the coolest things I've seen.”
This is definitely why nurses do what they do…and we are all so much better for it!